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Boring Books for Bedtime is a quiet little sleep podcast for a weary world, and you are very welcome here.

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Boring Books for Bedtime is a weekly bedtime story podcast for the sleepless, the stressed, the anxious, the insomniacs—anyone who struggles with that endless brain chatter that keeps us up at night.

In each episode, I calmly, quietly read something that's rather boring. Think Aristotle, Emerson, Galileo, and whoever wrote the 1897 Sears Catalog. These boring words, read in a boring way, give your active mind something to focus on so you can chill out and get some sleep for once.

If you're on Team Sleepless, lie back, take a deep breath, and let me read you to rest.

All readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, send me a message on the Contact page or catch me on Twitter @boringbookspod. I'd love to hear from you!


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